Robin Hood Primary School

"Success is in the journey, not the destination; we are all learners"

Welcome to Nursery!

Welcome to Nursery! An emotional but precious year where your child will begin their first experience of school. It is key at Robin Hood that we promote child led, child initiated and adult led learning, to give children a broad and balanced experience. Our stimulating areas of provision will allow your child to learn both independently and collaboratively, encouraging them to question, explain and explore confidently. We aim to help children develop skills to allow them to create and maintain friendships, develop their independence, and extend their language and vocabulary.

Due to the Nursery start and finish times, the children attend for an extra 30 minutes each full day. There is a small charge of £2.00 per day to cover this. 

Option A:

Monday (08:40 - 15:20) Tuesday (08:40 - 15:20) and Wednesday (08:30 - 11:30) 

Weekly charge of £4.00 (to cover extra 30 minutes per full day above 15 hours)

Option B: 

Wednesday (12:15 - 15:20) Thursday (08:40 - 15:20) and Friday (08:40 - 15:20)

Weekly charge of £4.00 (to cover extra 30 minutes per full day above 15 hours)

Option C

Monday - Friday (08:40 - 15:20)

Weekly charge of £10.00 (to cover extra 30 minutes per full day above 30 hours)

Robin Hood Nursery Agreement

 Nursery Agreement.pdfDownload
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Nursery Transition Booklet

 Transition Booklet NURSERY.pdfDownload
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Nursery Curriculum Overviews

 Nursery Autumn 1 2023 Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Nursery Autumn 2 Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
 Nursery Overview 2023-2024.pdfDownload
 Nursery Spring 1 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Nursery Spring 2 Curriculum Overview.pdfDownload
 Nursery Summer 1 Curriculum Map.pdfDownload
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Nursery Timetable

 Nursery Timetable 2023-2024.docxDownload
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Take a look around Nursery