Robin Hood Primary School

"Success is in the journey, not the destination; we are all learners"


At Robin Hood Primary School, we ensure that the teaching of English (Reading and Writing) is at the core of our curriculum. We believe that every child should have access to an ambitious and rewarding reading curriculum. As a school we value that reading is a key life skill and we are dedicated to enabling our pupils to become lifelong readers. We are proud of our unique, carefully thought out, purposeful Reading Spines and current work on our Wider Curriculum Reading Spines where children access ambitious, current, exciting and interesting texts. Please see the tab below to access our current whole school reading spine which is reviewed and amended by all teaching staff yearly

We understand:

  • That children need both good language comprehension and good word reading to become good readers.
  • The importance of reading and how an in-built love of reading can impact a child’s future in a positive way.
  • That success in reading increases the range of work and life opportunities a child will access (The Reading Framework July 2021). Both progress academically and emotionally is seen as important as each other. Reading skills are not only vital for academic success but also support the development of a child’s emotional well- being. 


Children who are engaged with reading and writing are three times more likely to have high mental wellbeing than children who aren’t’. 

(National Literacy Trust)

To summarise, our overall intent at Robin Hood, which is in line with the National Curriculum and the Reading Framework (July 2021) is to:

‘Create a school environment where every child is not only able to read proficiently, but also develops a genuine love of reading’ RT Hon Nick Gibb MP

At Robin Hood:

  • We aspire for all children to be able to read fluently and with confidence.

  • We aspire for all children to understand what they have read (language comprehension).

  • We aspire for all children to have an in-built love of reading.

  • We aspire for all children to value why reading is important to their academic success and emotional wellbeing.

  • We aspire for reading skills to improve through teachers ensuring all children to access interesting, current and meaningful reading materials.

Please see below for Our Excellent Eight!

Please see below to read more about how our Reading curriculum is implemented. 


  • Children become life-long readers and enjoy a wide range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry across cultures and style.

  • Children read for pleasure and purpose.

  • As children are read to every day and taught reading skills, they are confident at understanding and comprehending a range of texts.

  • Children have a high mental wellbeing.

  • By the end of Year 1, we aspire for at least 85% of children to confidently pass the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check.

  • That all children identified as ‘struggling readers’ in any year group are given the effective extra intervention needed to continue to progress in their reading skills.

  • The % of pupils working at age-related expectations and above age-related expectations within each year group is at least in line with national averages and matches the ambitious targets of individual children.

  • By the end of Year 6, we aspire that all children are fluent, confident and able readers who use reading as enjoyment and can use reading to unlock future potential. We aim for 70%+ in the KS2 Reading SAT test.

  • There will be no significant gaps in the progress of different groups of pupils (e.g. Disadvantaged and SEN).

  • School librarians lead the way with reading and share their passion across school.

  • Author visits and engagement bring reading to life.

  • As the wider-curriculum is built on a love of reading, books continue to inspire children who build on their retrieval of key knowledge.

  • All staff (teachers and teaching assistants) are skilled and motivated to teach reading.

  • The impact of our reading will go beyond the results of statutory assessments. Children are intrinsically motivated to be part of the wide and varied magical reading world.


Reading Implementation

 Reading Implementation 2022-2023.pdfDownload
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Our Excellent Eight

 Our Excellent Eight.pdfDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1

Reading Spines at RHPS 2021-2022

 2023 - 2024 READING SPINES.pdfDownload
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