Robin Hood Primary School

"Success is in the journey, not the destination; we are all learners"


It is essential for your child to have outstanding attendance throughout the school year. We know that good attendance is directly linked to good academic results throughout school. Attending school regularly plays a vital part in successful learning.

The government sets a target for each child to attend school at least 96% of the time - at Robin Hood we expect to at least meet this but aim to exceed it!


Reporting your child's absence:

If your child is absent from school, please contact the school office on 0113 2823444, (press option 1)  on the morning of each absence and leave a message, alternatively you can email the school giving the reason for your child’s absence.

The Department for Education (DfE) asks schools to identify the reasons a child is absent from school. Authorised absences are for illness, dental/medical appointments, religious observance, school visits and approved sporting activities.


Other absences will be recorded as unauthorised , including holidays taken during term. For all requested absences, a form must be completed and handed in at the school office for authorisation.  ' Exceptional Circumstances Request '  forms are available from the school office or can be downloaded from the website.

Attendance Documents

 School Attendance - Statutory Responsibilities.pdfDownload
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